Thursday, March 13, 2008

wow ... life's ramblings.

im lunch-time blogging... im sure this against the rules.

over my peanut butter sandwhich, im pondering my life.

here's what's going on...

i had dinner with a new friend the other night, and it was very cool, i for sure have a girl crush on her.

im starving, and this sandwhich isn't doing the trick.

my mom just found out she is diabetic. i tested my sugar with her machine. I was actually afraid too. Im overweight, and pepsi runs through my veins. I was afraid it was going to be like 299! It's was 116, I was thrilled. I need to take charge of my heath.

i think I am really over D. if he really loved me he would be sad, I was sad - not happy. i am starting to think i may recover.

i didn't talk to my e-crush yesterday -- cause I was busy at work. how can you find yourself missing someone you don't know? also, we are supposed to meet at the end of the month, and i have some anxiety about it. I never get anxiety about men.

something is up with me and rebecca. im not sure, but things havent been right since Sunday. I hate when things are like this. when i call her it is like she is not receptive to talking.... i miss "us".

ive seen steven alot this week. dinner, icecream, lunch - we are going shopping tonight. he's growing on me, he is so sweet, so nice... but no chemistry...uughh...

just an update... and vent...

what's up with you?

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