Wednesday, March 19, 2008

where is all my time.

i used to love to blog. i dont have as much time. new job, actual work. but my sister sent me a message today - why the hell dont you blog anymore?

im here. i have alot going on. im dating Steven. he really likes me. it's been like a week. I haven't given it up. I really have no interest in giving it up anytime soon. He is a nice guy, but i just don't know. he's all like i love you, i want you to have beautiful caramel skinned babies with your eyes. I am like - Hold up!

This brings to topic... why do men think I love you is the key to pussy? I like sex. Im good at it. I don't give it up until I want too.. I doesn't matter how much you claim to love me.

My crush is here this weekend... hope to see him Saturday... can't wait!

1 comment:

Princess Pointful said...

Ugh. I too well know this missing time of which you speak of. I wonder how I ever had the time to be a 100% good blogger!!
Glad to hear you have a lovely, if a little over-the-top lovey-dovey guy.