Have i lost my mind? Following is correspondence with a myspace friend - Am I that out of touch with reality? This was my reply. Start at the bottom and read your way up.
*his name has been changed to protect identity.
** only his name has been changed, everything else is as written.
I am now outraged! Although the presidency tends to be a figurehead position, they have some power. Who do you think would initiate a heathcare reform bill that would become law? They can make change. What good do you think Hillary is going to do just becuase she is a woman? Please explain this to me. Throughout our entire discussion I have remained very civil to you while you have been very condesending. I do get it and I know how to spell apparently. I don't appreciate you saying I don't. Even though we have issues in this country, it's still an amazing place to live. I do not hate Hillary, I just don't believe a having a vagina is deserving of the presidency.
I would love for you to tell an unempoyed man, that the unemployment rate does not matter. Im not saying we live in a perfect utopian society. We don't but every time the economy is better that is one less child that is hungry. We owe to ourselves to vote for the candidate most likely to do the job. If you feel that is Hillary, than vote Hillary. Vote the issues, not her gender. I can read a history book, i know that since inception this country had been plagued with problems - I also know we overcome them, that is called Progress. That is how we have both a woman and a black man as contenders in this president election. I would love to know how I am proof this is a racist society. I am open to the best candidate - and truly do not see gender or race as an issue.
His words may have been used before, but his beliefs are a refreshing change. I would not be upset if Hillary is elected, she may be a great candidate. If she elected, I would she is elected on her platform, her issues - Not on her gender.
appearantly you do not get it. it does not matter what is happening in this world. it does not matter how many people have or do not have health care. it does not matter how many people are unemplyed. what you are not realizing is that this have always been like this. what this country needs has nothing to do with who is president. change will only take place when people realize that they do not need a man or woman to be president, they do not need government to tell them what they can and can not due. he will never be president in this or any future time. this society is to racist and you are proof of it. you vote for who ever you want, but if you do not vote for her she will still win because their are men like me out their who would love her to win. then with the help of woman around this country will help her succeed by giving her the help she needs. you want all americans to have health insurance then let's join forces with other americans and put a health care bill into law like in canada. think about this, his words are the same words others before him had used. he is just repeating the same negative message that will not work because big business
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ♥Lisa♥
Date: Feb 17, 2008 1:46 AM
Although I love your pro woman message, I do not agree. I firmly believe that we live in a time where a woman can and will do anything. I also believe if and when a woman is elected president, it should be because she can and will be a strong leader. It would do all women a disservice is she was elected based soley on her gender. Our country is in a time of turmoil. 1 in 7 americans are uninsured, we have no departure plan from war, we are in a recession. We must fight to reclaim the standard of life that is ours. It is a time for change in Washington. We should stand behind the candidate that we can believe can establish and prioritize our ideals.
Regardless of who we support as a candidate, I love you activeness!
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ************
Date: Feb 17, 2008 12:32 AM
Hello Lisa,
i do not like Hillary, but i do Love the fact that she his a woman. i am voting for her because like you she is a woman. so obama does not even enter my mind. this is the time for woman to rise up! if you choose otherwise, it would only be because you do not or can not comprhend the importance not just of this time in history but the struggles woman before you were born had to go through just to get to this point. i still will fight and vote for you lisa. remember it is always a matter of choice. i choose for woman to rule.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ♥Lisa♥
Date: Feb 16, 2008 11:10 PM
if you like hillary, you will love obama. watch some footage.
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: *****
Date: Feb 16, 2008 8:55 PM
This is a moment in time when we get to be part of history. For the first time ever, a woman will be President of the United States of America. I think that all woman should vote for Hillary Clinton even if you do not like her, Because woman for years have been held down and held back through out history and now this is your time. Unite and support your right to vote, but more important unite and support your right to rule. I think she will make a great president, because we will give her the tools and the support she will need. Many men will balked at the thought of a woman ruling over them, but I know that a real man will not mind letting any woman rule and for sure they, like me, will vote for Hillary Clinton. So come on guy’s let’s help the girls just have fun and vote, not just for Hillary Clinton, but for all the woman of the world. I have and will always appreciate all a woman is and all a woman can be. I also admire, love and cherish womanhood and will always allow them to choose their destiny. I have already made my choice and I have chosen to let any woman of this world Rule. So let’s get the message out! Email your friends and coworkers and together finally we can have a woman rule.
My name is ***** and I approve this message.
“Go Girls Go”