Tuesday, February 12, 2008

to tell or not to tell ...

i started this blog last night ... after one and a half bottles of pink truck. notice to winemakers: it's amazing what a cute little girly truck on your wine label will do for sales. as i worked my way through the second bottle, i deleted every really personal blog off my myspace page.

so today, i really want to die. my head. it hurts. why do i do this? im concerned about the amount of drinking alone. does wine really count? this blog is about taking control. myspace has become a bad place for me. i check his page before mine. have i moved? did he read the deeply painful personal blog i wrote about him? then its a quick jump to my sent messages - you know so i can stalk to see if he read one of the seven heartfelt emails i sent today. he did. he always reads them, never writes back, never says anything about them when we talk.

so now, i ask myself, do i allow my real life friends to know about this blog? if i do will it hamper my ability to be completely honest with myself? for now, I am going to tell a select few.


nicole antoinette said...

The decision to be an anonymous blogger is one that so many people take REALLY seriously. I never even considered it because, well, I'm too lazy to do the whole code name/don't reveal too much information/don't befriend people outside of the blog thing. I'm pretty sure a lot of my real life 3D friends read my blog, especially because I link to it on my Facebook profile, and I'm really okay with that. Mostly because I'm comfortable being totally open and honest no matter what. But if you feel like that's not the case for you, keeping it a little more private might be the way to go.

Oh, and the drinking wine alone? That's ME right f*cking there. And I totally do the "well it's not hard alcohol so it's totally fine, no?" thing too. Sigh...

Princess Pointful said...

Hmmm. I am kind of the opposite of Nicole, in that I take my anonymity pretty seriously. It is probably a little neurotic, in all honesty, because I say very little that is actually incriminating, but I do like the safety inherent in it.